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Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC) and Tourism Thunder Bay

Tourism Investment Committee (TIC) Application Form

The TIC works collaboratively with the CEDC as an independent decision making body to consider, evaluate, and render decisions with respect to CEDC Tourism Development Fund applicants. The committee considers applicant proposals that will increase visitation to the City of Thunder Bay, improve Thunder Bay’s appeal as a tourist destination, extend the length of a visitor stay, enhance event and conference tourism bidding and hosting, support new product development, and communicate the importance of the tourism industry as an economic and social driver within the City of Thunder Bay.

Currently the committee meets the second Wednesday morning of every month.

Current Position Applying for (choose one):
The following committee positions to be submitted through Thunder Bay Hotel Association and Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce:

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif


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